Our PM-TEAM takes over the complete planning management for you. The principles and cultural characteristics of our Bauteam model form the basis, which we also implement together with you in the planning phase. A decisive factor for the success of the construction team model is the early involvement and integration of the executing companies in the planning process. It is important to identify the right execution partners for the crucial tasks of the project and to integrate their expertise and competences into the construction team. The key actors in the construction team jointly develop a plan that you as the client, the planners and the executing companies can all support and take responsibility for.
A sound decision:
Advantages of our PM TEAMS
Project culture
The basis of our project management model is a trust-based project culture, which develops already in the planning phase. Background: We understand our projects as complex, socio-economic systems. This complexity and the associated future uncertainties can only be mastered through intelligent, systemic organisational and management approaches. We implement the stabilising control factors for you that reduce complexity and ensure project success: These include management style, team leadership, communication, decision management and appropriate incentive systems.
In this way, a trusting project culture is created already in the early project phases, which also carries our experience forward in the later execution phase and is an essential factor for the success of the project.
Integrated project handling (IPA/IPD) in the planning phase
We bring you as the client and all the relevant project participants together early in the project. Integrating construction execution into the planning process reduces a loss of knowledge and increases the innovation potential of the project team and secures execution capacity at an early stage.
Quality insurance
Ultimately, the quality of the planning is decisive for the success of the project. In addition to relying on the performance and experience of our business partners, the standard course of our projects always includes quality assurance of the planning. Experienced construction managers ensure quality in a strict 4-eyes principle.
We draw on extensive experience in planning and construction management and thus pursue a comprehensive project approach.
Our PM Tools.
The cooperation between clients, planners and executing companies in early project phases, which is unusual for many project participants, is particularly successful when the right methods are used in professionally moderated workshops for the respective issue.
So the best solution for all participants is developed on a participative basis and a maximum value is created for you.
Frontloading / Value Engineering
The special features of our Bauteam model inevitably lead to conventional process sequences – for example the HOAI service phases – being broken up and planning tasks being prioritised according to their importance for the current project status. It has become evident that this results in critical success solutions at an early stage and in the team’s attention being focused on what is most important.
The error rate is significantly reduced and you benefit from a high added value.
BIM / Digitalization
For us, BIM working methods and the
digitization of management and planning processes are everyday companions for transparent and collaborative solutions. We rely on the most modern and innovative methods and processes and software tools. In short: We are at the forefront of BIM and digitalization for you

Talk to us about your planning management
Do you have questions about planning management, our construction team model or tools? Our team of experts is always there for you. Give us a call or send us an email.
Your personal contact person:
Dr.-Ing. David Klein
Telefon: +49 (241) 88 75 361
Mail: david.klein@cp-bauteam.de